Inside Ministry of Information CE State,Juba, South Sudan +211 928 661 256
Project Details

Project Title
Peace Building
Project Description
Root of Generations with support from Dt Global Shejeh Salaam project facilitated women facts findings peace conference held in Kikilai-Budi County- Eastern Equatoria State from 13th to 16th of July, 2023. The event attracted nearly 3,000 people comprising of women, Youths, and elderly people from the two Counties of Ikwotos and Budi respectively. The occasion was blessed by the word of prayer led by Fr. Arkangelo Lokoro of the Catholic diocese of Torit. In his opening remarks, while presiding over prayers, the Catholic father appealed to women on both counties to be peace ambassadors for change. “Women, if you know your sons are going to be killed in cattle raids, you won’t allow them go. Just as you gave birth to your sons, let’s control them from engaging in cattle raids. Never give them food to facilitate such raids. Women, you take the lead in peace dialogue. Your voices count a lot” He said. Rita Akidi, a women representative from Kikilai appreciated ROG for facilitating the peace dialogue process that seeks to promote peaceful co-existence. “Many thanks goes to ROG for facilitating this peace conference.” She said. “Why are youths shooting vehicles along the highways?” She further wondered whether cars shot along highways are carrying cattle that triggered people to shoot. “Are you people shooting cars /vehicles which are carrying cattle or drugs? I’m asking you people from Logir.Why Logir are killing school children along the highways? As you go back to your County, tell your community to cease from killing people along the road”. Rita lamented. Regina Ikayak, a women representative from Lotukei strongly called for long lasting peace among the two sisterly counties of Ikwotos & Budi. According to her, when peace prevails in the country, development would be realized. She called on fellow women to be peace ambassadors and create unity among the neighboring communities. Mario Lohinei, a chief from Kikilai re-counted number of incidences connected to road ambushes conducted by suspected Logir youths with death rates that were on increase in previous months. On his part the Executive director of Ikwotos County –Eastern Equatoria State, Mr. Tito Abas who spoke on behalf of the government thanked ROG for facilitating peace dialogue that seeks to restore peace among the conflicting communities of Budi & Ikwotos. According to Abas, there have been series of peace dialogue conducted across the neighboring counties but it didn’t bear fruitful results due to persistent killing and cattle thefts. “You need to ask yourselves who is always violating the peace.” Tito demanded. In his strong remark, Tito Abas encouraged women from the two sides to discuss a peaceful solutions of restoring peace in the two sisterly counties. He reiterated on peaceful co-existence among Didinga, Logir & Bira people and called on women to spearhead peace process. “We shall never realize any tangible development if we continue killing, looting vehicles along the highways” Tito observed. Another woman representative from Budi County reiterated that many lives have been lost as a result of continuous killing. “Why do we fight or kill ourselves instead of being together and develop our counties?” She urged women from Ikwotos and other areas to be embrace peace than embracing violence. She further urged youths to stop raiding and killing of innocent people along the highways. According to her, many women become widows because their husbands have been killed. “Let us bring lasting peace. Peace is very sweet. Let us tell our youths to engage in productive activities rather than cattle raids and looting.” She said. Mary Naboi, said it’s shameful to see school children being killed along highways. She re-counted a number of incidences that happened on roads. “Our children are always killed on the road but not where cows are grazing. Why Logir/ or people of Bira kill our children along the road?” Mary lamented on the recurring killing. In her strong remarks, Mary urged the two Counties to re-visit initial peace where communities were living together in the past. “Let us go back to the history of our peaceful co-existence. Let us forget the past and open the new chapter that allows peace to prevail in our counties.” Holoba, a woman representative from Lorema Boma criticized the government for not doing enough to restore peace among the neighboring counties. “The government is reluctant in ensuring peace and stability within its civil populations. Whenever, there is alarming insecurity cases, government pays blind eye to response.” Holoba noted, citing how the previous government have been quick in responding to insecurity. She further noted youths are increasingly becoming stubborn because they are no longer paying taxes which was seen as disciplinary factor that made previous youths not to misbehave She reiterated that many women from Lorema remain widows because their husbands have been killed in the ongoing conflict. Chief Mario Lohinei: Thanked the commissioner for coming. “I received the team from Ikwotos areas of Chahare, Chorkol, Isoke, and Lotome and from Budi areas of Lotukei, Itingi, Lorema, Kikilai, Betalado, and Chukudum.” “Women met to express their cry following cycles of violence and killings that have torn our counties and the entire South Sudan apart.” Mario noted. “Women further uttered curse and lament against anyone who continues to raid and pours the innocent blood. Honorable, I’m so much disappointed by numerous roads killings committed/carried out by the Logir tribe of Ikwotos. I bear witness, my people have never committed such barbaric acts of road ambushes and killings. The government is also to blame for paying the blind eye when such atrocities are being carried out by civilians. “Please, help us with installing networks to ease communication. I request the government to stand with women for peace. Support the RCs also. Provide uniforms for them. Chiefs and RCs are being over poured by violent youths in the communities.” Mario noted.
Annual Report

Capacity Statement

Strategic Report

Organizational Policies

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